Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Filename: gmtmap.jpg

Solution Name: T024.0sec_Z002.0km_
Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Seismic Moment Tensor Solution

2014/01/29 (029) 01:30:24.00 37.3379 -114.1121 1091865
	Depth =   2.0 (km)
	Mw    =  3.99
	Mo    =  1.22x10^22 (dyne x cm)

	Percent Double Couple =  96 %
	Percent CLVD          =   4 %
	no ISO calculated
	 Percent Variance Reduction =  41.92 %
	 Total Fit                  =  8.77 
	Major Double Couple
		            strike dip   rake
		Nodal Plane 1:  67  26  -96
		Nodal Plane 2: 254  64  -87


	Moment Tensor Elements: Spherical Coordinates
		Mrr= -0.96 Mtt=  0.83 Mff=  0.13
		Mrt=  0.74 Mrf=  0.19 Mtf=  0.30 EXP=22

	Moment Tensor Elements: Cartesian Coordinates
		 0.83 -0.30  0.74
		-0.30  0.13 -0.19
		 0.74 -0.19 -0.96

		T-axis eigenvalue=  1.21
		N-axis eigenvalue=  0.02
		P-axis eigenvalue= -1.23

	Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple:
		T-axis ev= 1.21 trend=341 plunge=19
		N-axis ev= 0.00 trend=72 plunge=3
		P-axis ev=-1.21 trend=170 plunge=70

	Maximum Azmuithal Gap=181 Distance to Nearest Station= 70.4 (km)

	Number of Stations (D=Displacement/V=Velocity) Used=2 (defining only)

          ### T ###################                         
        #####   #####################                       
 ###----------------   ----------------#####                
 ##----------------- P ---------------######                
  #-----------------   --------------######                 

All Stations defining and nondefining: 
Station.Net 	Def 	Distance 	Azi    	Bazi  	lo-f 	hi-f vmodel
            	    	(km)     	(deg)  	(deg) 	(Hz) 	(Hz)    
CCUT.UU (D) 	Y 	    70.4  	 70  	251  	0.020 	0.080 CCUT.UU.wus.glib
FUR.CI (D) 	Y 	   262.5  	249  	 68  	0.020 	0.080 FUR.CI.wus.glib

 (V)-velocity (D)-Displacement

Author: www-data
Date: 2014/01/29 03:33:53

mtinv Version 2.1_DEVEL OCT2008

Solution Name: T025.0sec_Z006.0km_
Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Seismic Moment Tensor Solution

2014/01/29 (029) 01:30:25.00 37.3379 -114.1121 1091865
	Depth =   6.0 (km)
	Mw    =  4.02
	Mo    =  1.36x10^22 (dyne x cm)

	Percent Double Couple =  99 %
	Percent CLVD          =   1 %
	no ISO calculated
	 Percent Variance Reduction =  26.24 %
	 Total Fit                  =  11.37 
	Major Double Couple
		            strike dip   rake
		Nodal Plane 1:  67  22  -83
		Nodal Plane 2: 240  68  -93


	Moment Tensor Elements: Spherical Coordinates
		Mrr= -0.94 Mtt=  0.76 Mff=  0.19
		Mrt=  0.83 Mrf=  0.51 Mtf=  0.37 EXP=22

	Moment Tensor Elements: Cartesian Coordinates
		 0.76 -0.37  0.83
		-0.37  0.19 -0.51
		 0.83 -0.51 -0.94

		T-axis eigenvalue=  1.35
		N-axis eigenvalue=  0.01
		P-axis eigenvalue= -1.36

	Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple:
		T-axis ev= 1.35 trend=332 plunge=23
		N-axis ev= 0.00 trend=241 plunge=3
		P-axis ev=-1.35 trend=145 plunge=67

	Maximum Azmuithal Gap=181 Distance to Nearest Station= 70.4 (km)

	Number of Stations (D=Displacement/V=Velocity) Used=2 (defining only)

        # T #########################                       
      ###   ###########################                     
 ########---------------   -------------####                
 ######----------------- P ------------#####                
  ####------------------   -----------#####                 

All Stations defining and nondefining: 
Station.Net 	Def 	Distance 	Azi    	Bazi  	lo-f 	hi-f vmodel
            	    	(km)     	(deg)  	(deg) 	(Hz) 	(Hz)    
CCUT.UU (D) 	Y 	    70.4  	 70  	251  	0.020 	0.080 CCUT.UU.wus.glib
FUR.CI (D) 	Y 	   262.5  	249  	 68  	0.020 	0.080 FUR.CI.wus.glib

 (V)-velocity (D)-Displacement

Author: www-data
Date: 2014/01/29 03:33:53

mtinv Version 2.1_DEVEL OCT2008

Solution Name: T026.0sec_Z004.0km_
Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Seismic Moment Tensor Solution

2014/01/29 (029) 01:30:26.00 37.3379 -114.1121 1091865
	Depth =   4.0 (km)
	Mw    =  3.92
	Mo    =  9.50x10^21 (dyne x cm)

	Percent Double Couple = 100 %
	Percent CLVD          =   0 %
	no ISO calculated
	 Percent Variance Reduction =  34.47 %
	 Total Fit                  =  31.78 
	Major Double Couple
		            strike dip   rake
		Nodal Plane 1:  69  32  -73
		Nodal Plane 2: 229  60 -100


	Moment Tensor Elements: Spherical Coordinates
		Mrr= -8.16 Mtt=  6.16 Mff=  2.00
		Mrt=  2.89 Mrf=  3.63 Mtf=  3.81 EXP=21

	Moment Tensor Elements: Cartesian Coordinates
		 6.16 -3.81  2.89
		-3.81  2.00 -3.63
		 2.89 -3.63 -8.16

		T-axis eigenvalue=  9.50
		N-axis eigenvalue=  0.00
		P-axis eigenvalue= -9.50

	Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple:
		T-axis ev= 9.50 trend=327 plunge=14
		N-axis ev= 0.00 trend=235 plunge=9
		P-axis ev=-9.50 trend=113 plunge=73

	Maximum Azmuithal Gap=181 Distance to Nearest Station= 70.4 (km)

	Number of Stations (D=Displacement/V=Velocity) Used=2 (defining only)

         T ##########################                       
      ##   ############################                     
 ###########--------------   ------------####               
 ##########--------------- P -----------#####               
 #########----------------   ----------#####                

All Stations defining and nondefining: 
Station.Net 	Def 	Distance 	Azi    	Bazi  	lo-f 	hi-f vmodel
            	    	(km)     	(deg)  	(deg) 	(Hz) 	(Hz)    
CCUT.UU (D) 	Y 	    70.4  	 70  	251  	0.020 	0.080 CCUT.UU.wus.glib
FUR.CI (D) 	Y 	   262.5  	249  	 68  	0.020 	0.080 FUR.CI.wus.glib

 (V)-velocity (D)-Displacement

Author: www-data
Date: 2014/01/29 03:33:53

mtinv Version 2.1_DEVEL OCT2008

Solution Name: T027.0sec_Z002.0km_
Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Seismic Moment Tensor Solution

2014/01/29 (029) 01:30:27.00 37.3379 -114.1121 1091865
	Depth =   2.0 (km)
	Mw    =  4.06
	Mo    =  1.51x10^22 (dyne x cm)

	Percent Double Couple =  93 %
	Percent CLVD          =   7 %
	no ISO calculated
	 Percent Variance Reduction =  63.54 %
	 Total Fit                  =  8.17 
	Major Double Couple
		            strike dip   rake
		Nodal Plane 1:  86  34  -48
		Nodal Plane 2: 218  65 -115


	Moment Tensor Elements: Spherical Coordinates
		Mrr= -1.05 Mtt=  0.95 Mff=  0.09
		Mrt=  0.33 Mrf=  0.89 Mtf=  0.60 EXP=22

	Moment Tensor Elements: Cartesian Coordinates
		 0.95 -0.60  0.33
		-0.60  0.09 -0.89
		 0.33 -0.89 -1.05

		T-axis eigenvalue=  1.48
		N-axis eigenvalue=  0.05
		P-axis eigenvalue= -1.53

	Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple:
		T-axis ev= 1.48 trend=326 plunge=17
		N-axis ev= 0.00 trend=229 plunge=22
		P-axis ev=-1.48 trend=90 plunge=61

	Maximum Azmuithal Gap=181 Distance to Nearest Station= 70.4 (km)

	Number of Stations (D=Displacement/V=Velocity) Used=2 (defining only)

         T #########################-                       
      ##   ######################------                     
 ###############-------------   -----------##               
 ##############-------------- P ----------###               
 #############---------------   ----------###               

All Stations defining and nondefining: 
Station.Net 	Def 	Distance 	Azi    	Bazi  	lo-f 	hi-f vmodel
            	    	(km)     	(deg)  	(deg) 	(Hz) 	(Hz)    
CCUT.UU (D) 	Y 	    70.4  	 70  	251  	0.020 	0.080 CCUT.UU.wus.glib
FUR.CI (D) 	Y 	   262.5  	249  	 68  	0.020 	0.080 FUR.CI.wus.glib

 (V)-velocity (D)-Displacement

Author: www-data
Date: 2014/01/29 03:33:53

mtinv Version 2.1_DEVEL OCT2008

Solution Name: T028.0sec_Z004.0km_
Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Seismic Moment Tensor Solution

2014/01/29 (029) 01:30:28.00 37.3379 -114.1121 1091865
	Depth =   4.0 (km)
	Mw    =  3.84
	Mo    =  7.22x10^21 (dyne x cm)

	Percent Double Couple =  97 %
	Percent CLVD          =   3 %
	no ISO calculated
	 Percent Variance Reduction =  54.69 %
	 Total Fit                  =  14.74 
	Major Double Couple
		            strike dip   rake
		Nodal Plane 1:  87  42  -33
		Nodal Plane 2: 203  68 -127


	Moment Tensor Elements: Spherical Coordinates
		Mrr= -3.94 Mtt=  3.53 Mff=  0.41
		Mrt=  0.22 Mrf=  4.44 Mtf=  4.28 EXP=21

	Moment Tensor Elements: Cartesian Coordinates
		 3.53 -4.28  0.22
		-4.28  0.41 -4.44
		 0.22 -4.44 -3.94

		T-axis eigenvalue=  7.27
		N-axis eigenvalue= -0.10
		P-axis eigenvalue= -7.17

	Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple:
		T-axis ev= 7.27 trend=319 plunge=15
		N-axis ev= 0.00 trend=219 plunge=34
		P-axis ev=-7.27 trend=70 plunge=52

	Maximum Azmuithal Gap=181 Distance to Nearest Station= 70.4 (km)

	Number of Stations (D=Displacement/V=Velocity) Used=2 (defining only)

       T ##################------------                     
     #   ################---------------                    
 ###################-----------   ----------                
 ##################------------ P ----------                
 #################-------------   ----------                

All Stations defining and nondefining: 
Station.Net 	Def 	Distance 	Azi    	Bazi  	lo-f 	hi-f vmodel
            	    	(km)     	(deg)  	(deg) 	(Hz) 	(Hz)    
CCUT.UU (D) 	Y 	    70.4  	 70  	251  	0.020 	0.080 CCUT.UU.wus.glib
FUR.CI (D) 	Y 	   262.5  	249  	 68  	0.020 	0.080 FUR.CI.wus.glib

 (V)-velocity (D)-Displacement

Author: www-data
Date: 2014/01/29 03:33:53

mtinv Version 2.1_DEVEL OCT2008

Solution Name: T029.0sec_Z014.0km_
Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Seismic Moment Tensor Solution

2014/01/29 (029) 01:30:29.00 37.3379 -114.1121 1091865
	Depth =  14.0 (km)
	Mw    =  3.88
	Mo    =  8.22x10^21 (dyne x cm)

	Percent Double Couple =  98 %
	Percent CLVD          =   2 %
	no ISO calculated
	 Percent Variance Reduction =  64.03 %
	 Total Fit                  =  25.43 
	Major Double Couple
		            strike dip   rake
		Nodal Plane 1: 199  64 -152
		Nodal Plane 2:  96  65  -29


	Moment Tensor Elements: Spherical Coordinates
		Mrr= -2.95 Mtt=  4.31 Mff= -1.36
		Mrt= -2.25 Mrf=  3.31 Mtf=  6.09 EXP=21

	Moment Tensor Elements: Cartesian Coordinates
		 4.31 -6.09 -2.25
		-6.09 -1.36 -3.31
		-2.25 -3.31 -2.95

		T-axis eigenvalue=  8.19
		N-axis eigenvalue=  0.06
		P-axis eigenvalue= -8.26

	Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple:
		T-axis ev= 8.19 trend=148 plunge=1
		N-axis ev= 0.00 trend=239 plunge=53
		P-axis ev=-8.19 trend=57 plunge=37

	Maximum Azmuithal Gap=181 Distance to Nearest Station= 70.4 (km)

	Number of Stations (D=Displacement/V=Velocity) Used=2 (defining only)

    ##################-------------   ---                   
  -#################--------------- P -----                 
  #################----------------   -----                 
        ------#################   ###                       
          ----################# T #                         

All Stations defining and nondefining: 
Station.Net 	Def 	Distance 	Azi    	Bazi  	lo-f 	hi-f vmodel
            	    	(km)     	(deg)  	(deg) 	(Hz) 	(Hz)    
CCUT.UU (D) 	Y 	    70.4  	 70  	251  	0.020 	0.080 CCUT.UU.wus.glib
FUR.CI (D) 	Y 	   262.5  	249  	 68  	0.020 	0.080 FUR.CI.wus.glib

 (V)-velocity (D)-Displacement

Author: www-data
Date: 2014/01/29 03:33:53

mtinv Version 2.1_DEVEL OCT2008

Solution Name: T030.0sec_Z012.0km_
Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Seismic Moment Tensor Solution

2014/01/29 (029) 01:30:30.00 37.3379 -114.1121 1091865
	Depth =  12.0 (km)
	Mw    =  3.88
	Mo    =  8.36x10^21 (dyne x cm)

	Percent Double Couple =  97 %
	Percent CLVD          =   3 %
	no ISO calculated
	 Percent Variance Reduction =  46.78 %
	 Total Fit                  =  11.53 
	Major Double Couple
		            strike dip   rake
		Nodal Plane 1: 203  45 -155
		Nodal Plane 2:  95  72  -48


	Moment Tensor Elements: Spherical Coordinates
		Mrr= -3.57 Mtt=  4.49 Mff= -0.92
		Mrt= -4.88 Mrf=  2.02 Mtf=  5.01 EXP=21

	Moment Tensor Elements: Cartesian Coordinates
		 4.49 -5.01 -4.88
		-5.01 -0.92 -2.02
		-4.88 -2.02 -3.57

		T-axis eigenvalue=  8.42
		N-axis eigenvalue= -0.13
		P-axis eigenvalue= -8.29

	Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple:
		T-axis ev= 8.42 trend=155 plunge=17
		N-axis ev= 0.00 trend=259 plunge=40
		P-axis ev=-8.42 trend=48 plunge=45

	Maximum Azmuithal Gap=181 Distance to Nearest Station= 70.4 (km)

	Number of Stations (D=Displacement/V=Velocity) Used=2 (defining only)

    #############--------------   -------                   
  -#############--------------- P ---------                 
  ############-----------------   ---------                 
        ---################   #######                       
          --############### T #####                         
              #############   ##                            

All Stations defining and nondefining: 
Station.Net 	Def 	Distance 	Azi    	Bazi  	lo-f 	hi-f vmodel
            	    	(km)     	(deg)  	(deg) 	(Hz) 	(Hz)    
CCUT.UU (D) 	Y 	    70.4  	 70  	251  	0.020 	0.080 CCUT.UU.wus.glib
FUR.CI (D) 	Y 	   262.5  	249  	 68  	0.020 	0.080 FUR.CI.wus.glib

 (V)-velocity (D)-Displacement

Author: www-data
Date: 2014/01/29 03:33:53

mtinv Version 2.1_DEVEL OCT2008

Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Filename: plotz.jpg

Event ID: mw
Origin ID: 001
Filename: results.5.jpg