Questions about Nevada
- Why does Nevada have earthquakes?
- How many earthquakes are there in Nevada?
- Where are the faults in Nevada?
- Are there faults near Reno?
- Are there active faults near Las Vegas?
- Are there faults near Las Vegas that could produce a magnitude 7 earthquake? Are there more earthquakes in Nevada than in Arizona or New Mexico?
- Do all earthquakes occur on faults?
- What should a small earthquake mean to us?
- Does a local earthquake make another or a larger earthquake more likely?
- What does an earthquake somewhere else in the world mean for northern and western Nevada?
- Could a big earthquake in California cause earthquakes in Nevada?
- Do we have as much earthquake risk here in Nevada as they do in California?
- How many and what size of earthquakes do we have near Reno?
- What would happen during an earthquake in Reno/Carson?
Questions about California
Questions about Earthquake Insurance
General Questions about Earthquakes
- What is the biggest earthquake that has ever happened?
- What is a foreshock? What is an aftershock?
- What is the Richter scale?
- What's the difference between an M 4 and an M 5, or an M 4 and an M 6 earthquake?
- Is any place safe from earthquakes?
- Could bridges collapse in an earthquake?
Questions by School Kids & the Public
- I go to Indian Trail Junior High and we have been learning a lot about earthquakes. I would like to know what was the earliest earthquake?
- Your site is very interesting and I have a suggestion: have more things for kids like easy to read maps and interesting but true stories about earthquakes and a way for kids to submit earthquake stories. I also have a question: What kind of destruction occurs during earthquakes that take place along the ocean floor? Also, is it true that animals can detect earthquakes before they occur? Kelly
- Hi, I go to Indian Trail Junior High School and I am doing research on earthquakes, and I want to know where are the places that earthquakes mostly happen?
- I was just wondering what a foreshock does and what it can do to you if it can do anything to you? I was also wondering what an aftershock does and what it can do to you if it can do anything? If you would please write me back I would appreciate it very much!! Thanks for your cooperation!! Thank you, Nicole
- How do earthquakes happen? How often do they happen? What is the lab's biggest earthquake ever reported? Your site is the coolest site I've ever been to. It encourages me to be my best in school. Science is my favorite subject of all time. I go to your site every day. I hope you update it soon. from, Tim
- Hi! My name is Jessica from Olathe, KS. I was wondering when and where the biggest earthquake ever recorded was and when it happened. I was also wondering if there was an earthquake in Kansas, because I know I've never felt one here. I used to live in CA where I once slept through an earthquake! Pretty weird, huh! Stay NSYNC! Jessica Y. P.S. (write back if you ever get the time.)
- How many more years will it take for California to break away from the rest of the United States? Please write back when possible.
- How long does an earthquake last? Lacy Meyers
Questions about Earthquake Preparedness
- If a massive 1906 sized earthquake occurs again in California will the critical infrastructure remain intact? If not, where will the millions of displaced people go?
- Where does the majority of the refined petroleum product (gasoline, diesel) used in the Reno/Carson City area come from? How is it transported here? If an earthquake in California destroys the Benicia refinery how long would our supply of gasoline last?
- How many days can the average household (in Nevada) go before they run out of food? How many days of water? How long does it take for a typical supermarket to be stripped of food and water after a natural disaster?
- What utilities are the most vulnerable to earthquake damage? Rank from most vulnerable to least vulnerable: Natural gas lines, Water lines, Electrical grid, Land line phone, Internet, Cellular Phone, Roadways.
Latest Press Releases
Latest Announcements
- PhD Candidate Avigyan Chatterjee wins AGU’23 OSPA Award
February, 5 2025 - Magnitude 5.8 Earthquake in Lyon County, Nevada
December, 13 2024 - Professor Christie Rowe Joins NSL as Director
August, 14 2024 - Professor Daniel Trugman Wins Prestigious Seismology Award
August, 14 2024 - 2020 Nevada Seismological Laboratory Publications
March, 7 2021 - Monte Cristo Earthquake fault still active with 6,500 aftershocks
June, 2 2020 - Damage reported in magnitude 6.5 earthquake near Tonopah
May, 15 2020 - Carson City aftershocks continue after magnitude 4.5 earthquake
March, 25 2020