Event 666903 Waveforms Graphs
Map includes seismicity in the last 60 days within 55 Km of this event.
Magnitude (ML)2.16
Region 5.6 mi NNE of Glenbrook
Date time 2018-11-25 at 19:15:24.472 UTC
2018-11-25 at 11:15:24.472 PST
Location 39.1664 ; -119.9032
Depth 10.86 km
RMS 0.1821
Gap 043
Stations 37
Defining Phases 59
Associated Phases 63
Type Local
Status Reviewed
Page Updated 2018-11-25 at 11:42:17.796

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Note: Graphs are auto-generated: not reviewed by NSL staff