
Kent, Graham M.

Status: Professor

Dr. Graham M. Kent is Director of the Nevada Seismological Laboratory/ and Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno. Previous to July 2009, Graham was a Research Geophysicist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and had been Director of the Visualization Center at Scripps from 2001-2009. Dr. Kent is a native of South Lake Tahoe, California. He attended San Diego State University, where he studied Geophysics and graduated Valedictorian of the Class of 1985. Soon thereafter, he entered graduate school at Scripps Institution of Oceanography receiving his PhD in 1992.

After a 4-year-long appointment at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Graham returned to Scripps to continue his work in geophysics, with an emphasis toward seismic studies of extensional tectonics, ranging from magma chambers beneath mid-ocean ridges to fault hazards at Lake Tahoe. While at Scripps, he led an effort to use advanced visualization techniques to study faulting and volcanic systems.

Dr. Kent has conducted a variety of studies around the globe, including tsunami and ocean bottom seismic research. He’s mapped earthquake faults beneath Lake Tahoe that have produced tsunamis and most recently has placed important constraints on southern San Andreas Fault recurrence times through mapping cross faults beneath the Salton Sea. More recently, his research interests include mapping fault hazards within the Walker Lane using seismic imagery in lakes and airborne LiDAR on land. He was one of two PIs on a $15M research program to map faults hazards offshore of Southern California (California Public Utility Commission funded) in association with nuclear storage at San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station (SONGS). Another large project was the $4M California High Speed Rail Geohazard evaluation program.

He also brought ShakeOut to Nevada in 2010 (1st state to join California); the 11th Annual Great Nevada Shakeout earthquake drill (Oct. 15th, 2020) in partnership with the Great Shakeout will be the largest combined public earthquake drill in the world. 500,000+ Nevadans participated in this exercise in 2019. Kent also spearheaded AlertTahoe, a public and private program to bring earthquake early warning (EEW) to the Tahoe region, and build out a fire camera network for early detection of ignition in the basin. Together, this system is designed to provide hardened communications for 'all hazards' through a redundant mesh microwave network. The real-time Axis cameras have scored early successes in alerting fire personnel of the earliest stages of fire ignition at Tahoe (USFS, Tahoe Prosperity enter and others), and thereafter, in central Nevada as part of a parallel Wildland Fire Camera network funded by BLM. In the inagural year (2015), over two dozen fires were either discovered or early Intel was provided in Tahoe and central Nevada. In 2016, this number jumped to 108 fires, and 240+ fires in 2017 within the larger ALERTWildfire footprint that included Tahoe, central Nevada and San Diego County (supported by San Diego Gas and Electric). ALERTWildfire was geared up fire seasons in 2018 and 2019, where an additional 300+ cameras were installed to widen the footprint of this successful program, including support from SoCal Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric. AlertTahoe continues to team with the Tahoe Prosperity Center to raise funds to expand the camera network in the Tahoe-Truckee region through private donations. The 2018-2019 field season included installs in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Partner institutions are UC San Diego and the University of Oregon.

He is married to Stephanie Kent, a Tahoe native, and has two children, Matthew and Christine. Graham was also a NASA Astronaut Finalist, Class of 1996.

Contact Info

Address: Nevada Seismological Laboratory, 1664 N. Virginia Street MS 0174, UNR, Reno, NV 89557-0174

Telephone: (775) 527-1574; email: gkent@unr.edu


Degree Year Conferred Institution and Location

High School 1980 South Tahoe High School, SLT CA

B.S. 1985 San Diego State University, San Diego CA

Ph.D. 1992 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego CA

Honors & Awards

Valedictorian, Class of ‘85, San Diego State University

Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, 1985

Post Doctoral Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1992

Finalist, NASA Astronaut Candidate, 1995/6

Major Research Interests

Seismic Reflection Techniques, Seismic Instrumentation, 3-D Visualization, Rifted Continental Margins, Mid-Ocean Ridge Dynamics, Walker Lane Tectonics, Lake Tahoe Geology/Climate/Hydrology, Wireless Networks, and Early Fire Detection

Research and/or Professional Experience

2009-present Director, Nevada Seismological Laboratory, UNR | State Seismologist

2009-present Professor, DGSE, Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, UNR

2002-2009 Director, Visualization Center at Scripps, IGPP/UCSD

2002-2009 Research Geophysicist, IGPP/UCSD

2000-2002 Associate Research Geophysicist, IGPP/UCSD

1998-2000 Assistant Research Geophysicist, IGPP/UCSD

1996-1998 Assistant Project Scientist/IGPP Scholar, UCSD

1994-1996 Assistant Scientist, Department of Geology & Geophysics, WHOI

1992-1994 Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Geology & Geophysics, WHOI

1987-1992 Assistant Researcher, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD

1985 Geophysicist (summer-hire), UNOCAL, Ventura, CA

1984 Geophysicist (summer-hire), Getty Oil Company, Bakersfield, CA

2021 Publications:

Bormann, J. M., E. A. Morton, K. D. Smith, G. M. Kent, W. S. Honjas, G. L. Plank, and M. C. Williams, Nevada Seismological Laboratory rapid seismic monitoring deployment and data availability for the 2020 Mww 6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada earthquake sequence, Seismological Research Letters, https:doi.org/10.1785/0220200344, 2021.

Holmes, J. J., N. W. Driscoll, and G.M. Kent, High-resolution 3D seismic imaging of fault interaction and deformation offshore San Onofre, California, Front. Earth. Sci, 9:653672, doi:10.3389/feart.2021.653672, 2021.

Holmes, J., H. Perea, N. Driscoll and G. Kent, Revealing geometry and fault interaction on a Complex Structural System based on 3D P-cable data: The San Mateo and San Onofre trends, offshore Southern California, Front. Earth. Sci. 9.653366, doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.653366, 2021.

Perea H., G. Ucarkus, N. Driscoll, G. Kent, Y. Levy and T. Rockwell, Faulting and folding of the transgressive surface offshore Ventura records deformational events in the Holocene, Front. Earth.Sci., 9:655339, doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.655339, 2021.

2020 Publications:

Lindley, T. T., A. B. Zwink, C. M., Gravelle, C. C. Schmidt, C. K. Palmer, S. T. Rowe, R. Heffernan, N. Driscoll and G. M. Kent, Ground-based corroboration of GEOS-17 fire detection capabilities during ignition of the Kincade Fire, J. Operational Meteor., 8(8), 105-110, dot:https://doi.org/10.15191/nwajom.2020.0808, 2020.

Carbotte, S. M., A. Arnulf, M. Spiegelman, M. Lee, A. Harding, G. Kent, J. P. Canales, M. Nedimovic, Stacked sills forming a deep melt-mush feeder conduit beneath Axial Seamount, Geology, 48(7), 693-697, https://doi.org/10.1130/G47223.1, 2020.

2019 Publications:

Anderson, J. G., R. D. Koehler, R. Abercrombie, S. K. Ahdi, S. Angster, J. Bormann, J. N. Brune, S. M. Dee, C. dePolo, S. E. Dickenson, M. Dunn, J. E. Faulds, W. C. Hammond, R. Hatch, A. Kell, G. Kent, C. Kreemer, J. Louie, I. Pierce, C. J. Ruhl, K. D. Smith, W/ Taylor, S. G. Wesnousky, I. Wong, A seismic hazards overview of the urban regions of Nevada: Recent advancements and research directions, Seis. Res. Lett., 90(4), 1577-1583, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1785/0220180357, 2019.

2018 Publications:

Arnulf, A. F., A. J. Harding, G. M. Kent, and W. S. D. Wilcock, Structure, seismicity, and accretionary processes at the hot spot-influenced Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 4618–4646. https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2017JB015131

2017 Publications:

Sahakian, V., J. Bormann, N. Driscoll, A. Harding, G. Kent and S. Wesnousky, Seismic constraints on the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon fault: Implications for the length and magnitude of future earthquake ruptures, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), pp. 1-21, doi: 10.1002/2016JB013467, 2017.

2016 Publications:

Noble, P.J., G.I. Ball, S.H. Zimmerman, J. Maloney, S.B. Smith, G. Kent, K.D. Adams, R.E. Karlin and N. Driscoll, Holocene paleoclimate history of Fallen Leaf Lake, CA., from geochemistry and sedimentology of well-dated sediment cores, Quaternary Science Reviews, 193-210, 131, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.10.037, 2016.

Angster, S., S. Wesnousky, W. Huang, G. Kent, T. Nakata, and H. Goto, Application of UAV photography to refining the slip rate on the Pyramid Lake fault zone, Nevada, Bulletin Seismological Society of America, 106,(2), p. 1-14, doi: 10.1785/0120150144, 2016.

Smith, K., G. Kent, D. Slater, G. Plank, M. Williams, M. McCarthy, F. Vernon, N. Driscoll and H.-W. Braun, Integrated multi-hazard regional networks: Earthquake warning/response, wildfire detection/response, and extreme weather tracking, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied Geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 599-612, 2016.

Basler-Reeder, K., J. Louie, S. Pullammanappallil, and G. Kent, Joint optimization of vertical component gravity and P-wave first arrivals by simulated annealing, Geophysics, v. 81(4), p. 1-13, doe:10.1190/GEO2015-0643.1, 2016.

Maloney, J. M., N. W. Driscoll, G. M. Kent, J. Bormann, S. Duke, and T. Freeman, Segmentation and step-overs along strike-slip fault systems in the California Borderlands: Implications for fault architecture and basin formation, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied Geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 655-677, 2016.

Dingler, J., N. Driscoll, G. Seitz, and G. Kent, New quantitative constraints on Holocene slip rate and surface displacement along the southern San Andreas Fault in Mecca Hills using ground based terrestrial laser scanning, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied Geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 809-831, 2016.

Kent, G., Schmauder, G., Maloney, J., Driscoll, N., Kell, A., Smith, K., Baskin, R. and Seitz, G., Reevaluating Late-Pleistocene and Holocene active faults in the Tahoe basin, California-Nevada, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied Geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 833-858, 2016.

Seitz, G., G. Kent, N. Driscoll and J. Dingler, Large earthquakes on the Incline Village Fault from onshore and offshore paleoseismology, Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied Geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 859-877, 2016.

Ruhl, C. J., K. D. Smith, G. M. Kent, and Tyler C. Seaman, Seismotectonics and seismic hazard implications for the Reno-Tahoe area of the Walker Lane in Nevada and California, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied Geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 879-895, 2016.

Louie, J. N., Schmauder, G. C., Kent, G. M., Smith, K. D., McBean, K., McBean, A., and Hall, K., Simulation of the scenario-earthquake shaking in the Lake Tahoe Basin--A comparison of Shakeup and Nevada ShakeZoning, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied Geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 897-925, 2016.

Smith, K. D., G. M. Kent, D. P. von Seggern, N. W. Driscoll, and A. Eisses, Evidence for Moho-lower crustal transition depth diking and rifting of the Sierra Nevada micro plate, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL070283, 2016.

Strachan, S., Kelsey, E.P., Brown, R.F., Dascalu, S., Harris, F., Kent, G., Lyles, B., McCurdy, G., Slater, D., Smith, K., 2016. Filling the data gaps in mountain climate observatories through advanced technology, refined instrument siting, and a focus on gradients. Mountain Research and Development,Nov. 2016, Vol. 36, No. 4: 518-527, URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-16-00094.

Han, L., Hole, J. A., Stock, J. M., Fuis, G. S., Kell, A., Driscoll, N. W., Kent, G. M., Harding, A. J., Rymer, M. J., Gonzalez-Fernandez, A., and Lazaro-Mancilla, O., 2016, Continental rupture and the creation of new crust in the Salton Trough rift, Southern California and northern Mexico: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project, J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, 121, 7469-7489, dio: 10.1002/2016JB013139.

Sahakian, V., A. Kell, A. Harding, N. Driscoll and G. Kent, 2016, Geophysical evidence for a San Andreas subparallel transtentional fault along the northeastern shore of the Salton Sea, Bull. Seis. Soc., v. 106(5), p. 1-16, doi: 10.1785/0120150350.

2015 Publications:

Eisses, A.K., A. Kell, G.M. Kent, N.W. Driscoll, R.L. Baskin, K.D. Smith, R.E. Karlin, J.K. Louie and S.K Pullammanappallil, New constraints on fault architecture, slip rates and strain partitioning beneath Pyramid Lake, Nevada, Geosphere, v. 11(3), p. 1-22, doi: 10.1130/GES00821.1, 2015.

Klotsko, S., N. Driscoll, G. Kent and D. Brothers, Continental shelf morphology and stratigraphy offshore San Onofre, California: The interplay between rates of eustatic change and sediment supply, Marine Geology, p. 116-126, 369, http://ds.doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2015.08.003, 2015

Darnell, P., N. W. Driscoll, D. Brothers, J. E. Conrad, J. Kluesner, G. Kent, and B. D. Andrews, Colored shaded-relief bathymetry, acoustic back scatter, and selected perspective views of the Inner Continental Borderland, southern California, Scientific Investigations Map 3324, USGS Publications Warehouse, DOI: 10.3133/sim3324, http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/sim3324.

2014 Publications:

Arnulf, A. F., A. J. Harding, G. M. Kent, S. M. Carbotte, J. P. Canales, and M. R. Nedimovic, Anatomy of an active submarine volcano, Geology, p. 1-4, doi:10.1130/G35629.1, 2014.

Dong, S., G. Ucarkus, S. G. Wesnousky, J. Maloney, G. Kent, N. Driscoll, and R. Baskin, Strike-slip faulting along the Wassuk Range of the northern Walker Lane, Geosphere 1-9, v. 10(1), doi:10.1130/GES00912.1, 2014.

Arnulf, A. F., A. J. Harding, G. M. Kent, S. C. Singh, and W. Crawford, Constraints on the shallow velocity structure of the Lucky Strike Volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, from downward continued multichannel streamer data, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JB010500, 2014.

Umhoefer, P. J., S. J. Maloney, B. Buchanan, J. R. Arrowsmith, G. Martinez-Gutierrez, G. Kent, N. Driscoll, A. Harding, D. Kaufman and T. Rittenour, Late Quaternary faulting history of the Carrizal and related faults, La Paz region, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Geosphere, 10(3), doi:10.1130/GES00924.1, 2014.

2013 Publications:

Smith, S. B., R. Karlin, G. Kent, G. Seitz, and N. Driscoll, Holocene subaqueous paleoseismology of Lake Tahoe, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 1-18, doi: 10.1130/B30629.1, 2013.

Coyan, M. M., J. R. Aerosmith, P. Umhoefer, J. Coyan, G. Kent, N. Driscoll, and G. M. Gutierrez, Geometry and Quaternary slip behavior of the San Juan de los Planes and Saltito fault zones, Baja California Sur, Geosphere, 426-443, vol. 9(3), doi: 10.1130/GES00806, 2013.

Maloney, J. M., P. J. Noble, N. W. Driscoll, G. M. Kent, S. B. Smith, G. C. Schmauder, J. M. Babcock, R. L. Baskin, R. Karlin, A. M. Kell, G. G. Seitz, S. Zimmerman and J. A., Paleoseismic history of the Fallen Leaf segment of the West Tahoe–Dollar Point fault reconstructed from slide deposits in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California–Nevada, Geosphere, 1-26, vol. 9(4), doi: 10.1130/GES00877, 2013.

Arnulf, A. F., A. J. Harding, S. C. Singh, G. M. Kent, and W. C. Crawford, Nature of upper crust beneath the Lucky Strike volcano using full waveform inversion of streamer data, Geophys. J. Int., 1-21, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt461, 2013.

Rose, E.J., Fuis, G.S., Stock, J.M., Hole, J.A., Kell, A.M., Kent, G., Driscoll, N.W., Goldman, M., Reusch, A.M., Han, L., Sickler, R.R., Catchings, R.D., Rymer, M.J., Criley, C.J., Scheirer, D.S., Skinner, S.M., Slayday-Criley, C.J., Murphy, J.M., Jensen, E.G., McClearn, R., Ferguson, A.J., Butcher, L.A., Gardner, M.A., Emmons, I., Loughran, C.L., Svitek, J.R., Bastien, P.C., Cotton, J.A., Croker, D.S., Harding, A.J., Babcock, J.M., Harder, S.H., and C.M. Rosa, 2013, Borehole-explosion and air-gun data acquired in the 2011 Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP), southern California—Description of the survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1172, 83 p.,http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20131172.

2012 Publications:

Arnulf, A. F., A. J. Harding, S. C. Singh, G. M. Kent and W. Crawford, Fine-scale velocity structure of upper oceanic crust from full waveform inversion of downward continued seismic reflection data at the Lucky Strike Volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geophysical Research Letters, pp. 1-16, L08303, DOI:10.1029/2012GL051064, 2012.

Henig, A. S., D. K. Blackman, A. J. Harding, J.-P. Canales and G. M. Kent, Downward continued multichannel seismic refraction analysis of Atlantis Massif oceanic core complex, 30°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems (G-cubed), 1-25, 13 (1), Q0AG07, doi: 10.1029/2012GC004059, 2012.

Brothers, D., A. Harding, A. Gonzalez-Fernandez, W. S. Holbrook, G. Kent, N. Driscoll, J. Fletcher, D. Lizarralde, P. Umhoefer and G. Axen, Farallon slab detachment and deformation of the Magdalena Shelf, southern Baja California, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L09307, doi:10.1029/2011GL050828, 2012.

Sutherland, F., G. Kent, A. Harding, P. Umhoefer, N. Driscoll, D. Lizarralde, J. Fletcher, G. Axen, W. Holbrook, A. Gonzalez-Fernandez and P. Lonsdale, Middle Miocene to early Pliocene oblique extension in the southern Gulf of California, Geosphere, 8, 752-770, doi:1130/GES00770.1, 2012.

Holbrook, W. S., G. Kent, K. Keranen, H. P. Johnson, A. Trehu, H. Tobin, J. Caplan-Auerbach, and J. Beeson, Cascadia forearc seismic survey: Open access data available, EOS, 50, 521-522, December 11th, 2012.

2011 Publications:

Brothers, D., D. Kilb, K. Luttrell, N. Driscoll and G. Kent, Loading of the San Andreas fault by flood-induced ruptures beneath the Salton Sea, Nature Geosciences, pp. 1-7, NGEO1184, DOI:10.1038, 2011

Arnulf, A. F., S. C. Singh, A. J. Harding, G. M. Kent and W. Crawford, Strong seismic heterogeneity in layer 2A near hydrothermal vents at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geophysical Research Letters, pp. 1-6, L13320, DOI:10.1029/2011 GL047753, 2011

Kleppe, J. A., D. S. Brothers, G. M. Kent, F. Biondi, S. Jensen and N. Driscoll, Duration and severity of Medieval drought in the Lake Tahoe basin, Quaternary Science Reviews, pp. 1-11, L13320, DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.08.015, 2011

Tahoe Publications:

Kent, G., Schauder, G., Maloney, J., Driscoll, N., Kell, A., Smith, K., Baskin, R. and Seitz, G., Reevaluating Late-Pleistocene and Holocene active faults in the Tahoe basin, California-Nevada, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 833-858, 2016.

Seitz, G., G. Kent, N. Driscoll and J. Dingler, Large earthquakes on the Incline Village Fault from onshore and offshore paleoseismology, Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 859-877, 2016.

Ruhl, C. J., K. D. Smith, G. M. Kent, and Tyler C. Seaman, Seismotectonics and seismic hazard implications for the Reno-Tahoe area of the Walker Lane in Nevada and California, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 879-895, 2016.

Louie, J. N., Schmauder, G. C., Kent, G. M., Smith, K. D., McBean, K., McBean, A., and Hall, K., Simulation of the scenario-earthquake shaking in the Lake Tahoe Basin--A comparison of Shakeup and Nevada ShakeZoning, Special Volume: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, Applied geology in California, editors Robert Anderson and Horacio Ferriz, p. 897-925, 2016.

Noble, P.J., G.I. Ball, S.H. Zimmerman, J. Maloney, S.B. Smith, G. Kent, K.D. Adams, R.E. Karlin and N. Driscoll, Holocene paleoclimate history of Fallen Leaf Lake, CA., from geochemistry and sedimentology of well-dated sediment cores, Quaternary Science Reviews, 193-210, 131, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.10.037, 2016.

Maloney, J. M., P. J. Noble, N. W. Driscoll, G. M. Kent, S. B. Smith, G. C. Schmauder, J. M. Babcock, R. L. Baskin, R. Karlin, A. M. Kell, G. G. Seitz, S. Zimmerman and J. A., Paleoseismic history of the Fallen Leaf segment of the West Tahoe–Dollar Point fault reconstructed from slide deposits in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California–Nevada, Geosphere, 1-26, vol. 9(4), doi: 10.1130/GES00877, 2013.

Smith, S. B., R. Karlin, G. Kent, G. Seitz, and N. Driscoll, Holocene subaqueous paleoseismology of Lake Tahoe, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 1-18, doi: 10.1130/B30629.1, 2013.

Kleppe, J. A., D. S. Brothers, G. M. Kent, F. Biondi, S. Jensen and N. Driscoll, Duration and severity of Medieval drought in the Lake Tahoe basin, Quaternary Science Reviews, pp. 1-11, L13320, DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.08.015, 2011

Brothers, D. S., G. M. Kent, N. W. Driscoll, S. B. Smith, R. Karlin, J. A. Dingler, A. J. Harding, G. G. Seitz and J. M. Babcock, New Constraints on the deformation, slip-rate, and timing of the most recent earthquake on the West Tahoe-Dollar Point Fault Lake Tahoe Basin, California, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., pp. 499-519, v. 99, doi: 10.1785/0120080135, 2009

Dingler, J., G. Kent, N. Driscoll, G. Seitz, J. Babcock, A. Harding, B. Karlin, and C. Goldman, A high-resolution seismic CHIRP investigation of active normal faulting across the Lake Tahoe basin, California-Nevada, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., pp. 1089-1107, v. 121, doi:10.1130/B26244.1 , 2009.

Morgan, C. W., G. M. Kent, G. G. Seitz, and M. Novak, Glacio-lacustrine stratigraphy, aquifer characterization and contaminant transport: a case study in South Lake Tahoe, California, Hydrogeology Journal, pp. 981-994,16(5), doi: 10.1007/s10040-008-0299-9, 2008.

Kent, G., J. Babcock, N. Driscoll, A. Harding, J. Dingler, G. Seitz and R. Karlin, Reply: 60 k.y. record of extension across the western boundary of the Basin and Range province: Estimate of slip rates from offset shoreline terraces and a catastrophic slide beneath Lake Tahoe, Geology, e114-e116, doi:10.1130/G23127Y.1, 2006.

Kent, G. M., J. A. Babcock, N. W. Driscoll, A. J. Harding, G. G. Seitz, J. A. Dingler, J. V. Gardner, C. R. Goldman, A. C. Heyvaert, P. Gayes, R. Karlin, L. A. Mayer, C. W. Morgan, L. A. Owen, R. C. Richards, A 60 k.y. record of extension across the western boundary of the Basin and Range Province: Estimate of slip rates from offset shoreline terraces and a catastrophic slide beneath Lake Tahoe, Geology, 33, 365-368, 2005.

Other Key Publications:

Brothers, D., D. Kilb, K. Luttrell, N. Driscoll and G. Kent, Loading of the San Andreas fault by flood-induced ruptures beneath the Salton Sea, Nature Geosciences, pp. 1-7, NGEO1184, DOI:10.1038, 2011

Brothers, D. S., N. W. Driscoll, G. M. Kent, A. J. Harding. J. M. Babcock and R. L. Baskin, New Constraints on the Salton Sea fault architecture and deformational history, Nature,Geosciences, pp. 1-4, NGEO590, DOI:101038, 2009

Canales, J. P., M. R. Nedimovic, G. M. Kent, S. M. Carbotte, and R. S. Detrick, Seismic reflection images of a near axis melt sill within the lower crust at the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Nature, pp. 89-92, v. 460, doi:10.1038/nature08095, 2009

Lizarralde, D., G. J. Axen, H. E. Brown, J. M. Fletcher, A. Gonzalez-Fernadez, A. J. Harding, W. S. Holbrook, G. M. Kent, P. Paramo, F. Sutherland and P. J. Umhoefer, Variations in styles of rifting in the Gulf of California, Nature, 466-469, doi:10.1038/nature06035, 2007

Singh, S. C., A. J. Harding, G. M. Kent, M. C. Sinha, V. Combier, S. Bazin, C. H. Tong, J. W. Pye, P. J. Barton, R. W. Hobbs, R. S. White, and J. A. Orcutt, Seismic reflection images of the Moho underlying melt sills at the East Pacific Rise, Nature, 442, 287-290, doi:10.1038/nature04939, 2006

Nedimovic, M. R., S. M. Carbotte, A. J. Harding, R. S. Detrick, J. P. Canales, J. B. Diebold, G. M. Kent, M. Tischer, and J. M. Babcock, Frozen magma lenses below the oceanic crust, Nature, 436, 1149-1152, doi:10.1038/nature03944, 2005

Kent, G. M., Singh, S. C., Harding, A. J., Sinha, M. C., Orcutt, J. A., Barton, P. J., White, R. S., Bazin, S., Hobbs, R. W., Tong, C. H., and Pye, J. W., Evidence from three-dimensional seismic reflectivity images for enhanced melt supply beneath mid-ocean-ridge discontinuities, Nature, 614-618, 406, 2000.

Singh, S. C., G. M. Kent, J. S. Collier, A. J. Harding, and J. A. Orcutt, “Melt to mush variations in crustal magma properties along the ridge crest at the southern East Pacific Rise”, Nature, 394, 874-878, 1998

Mutter, J. C., S. M. Carbotte, W. Su, L. Xu, P. Buhl, R. S. Detrick, G. M. Kent, J. A. Orcutt, and A. J. Harding, “Seismic images of active magma systems beneath the East Pacific Rise between 17°05’S and 17°35’S”, Science, 268, 391-395, 1995.

Detrick, R. S., A. J. Harding, G. M. Kent, J. A. Orcutt, J. C. Mutter, and P. Buhl, “Seismic Structure of the Southern East Pacific Rise”, Science, 259, 499-503, 1993.

Kent, G. M., A. J. Harding, and J. A. Orcutt, “Evidence for a smaller magma chamber beneath the East Pacific Rise at 9°30’N”, Nature, 344, 650-653, 1990.

Synergistic Activities:

Former Chair, Marcus Langseth Steering and Oversight Committee (UNOLS); Vice-Chair, Nevada Earthquake Safety Council; Nevada Lead, The Great Nevada ShakeOut

Recent Collaborators & Other Activities:

Neal Driscoll, Alistair Harding, Adrien Arnulf, Steve Holbrook, Satish Singh, Larry Smarr, Frank Vernon, Paul Umhoefer, Gordon Seitz, Rob Baskin, Danny Brothers, Ken Smith, Annie Kell, Jayne Bormann and John Louie.

Doctoral Advisors:

John Orcutt, University of California, San Diego; Alistair Harding, University of California, San Diego

Postdoctoral Advisor:

Robert S. Detrick, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Post Doctoral Scholars Advised:

Jayne Bormann (UNR, 2013-2017, CSULB); Annie Kell (UNR, 2014, NSL)

PhD Students Advised:

Stephen A. Hussenoeder (WHOI, '98, ExxonMobil), Eric Hallenborg (Scripps/UCSD, '02, Photon), Fiona Sutherland (Scripps/UCSD, '06, BP), Allison Jacobs-Dingler (Scripps/UCSD, '07, BP), Jeffrey Dingler (Scripps/UCSD, '07, BP), Danny Brothers (Scripps/UCSD, '09, USGS), Gretchen Schmauder (UNR, '13, Geometrics), Annie Kell (UNR, '14, NSL/UNR)

MS Students Advised:

Amy Eisses (UNR, '11, Anadarko), Roxy Frary (UNR, '11, Nobel Energy), Tyler Kent (UNR, '12, Noble Energy), Courtney Bralio (UNR, '16, NDOM), Jeffrey Kinney (UNR, present), Kelley Shaw (UNR, '18).


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