
Sladek, Chris

Status: Research Associate

Chris Sladek works for the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering and the CTEMPS Lab, but is also joining NSL to help with our expansion of fire cameras and earthquake early warning stations. Please see Chris's Linkedin account below for more details:

Research Associate/Technician, Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno. Small UAS (drone) pilot for NSF Center for Transformative Environmental Monitoring systems (CTEMPs) instrument center at UNR. I am currently involved with building, testing and flying small UAS for camera and sensor system platforms, as well as supporting Distributed Temperature Sensing instrumentation (DTS) with CTEMPs. I am also affiliated with the Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy (GBCGE), and specialize primarily in temperature measurement and geochemistry. I have a diverse background of geoscience, electronics technology, and high vacuum systems technology, and support several analytical laboratories in the UNR Geology department.


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