Event 543016 Waveforms Moment Tensor Graphs
Map includes seismicity in the last 60 days within 55 Km of this event.
Magnitude (ML)3.55
Region 8.1 mi W of Gerlach
Date time 2016-05-05 at 23:11:45.008 UTC
2016-05-05 at 16:11:45.008 PDT
Location 40.6519 ; -119.5093
Depth 0.00 km
RMS 0.1686
Gap 183
Stations 16
Defining Phases 23
Associated Phases 63
Type Local
Status Reviewed
Page Updated 2016-05-05 at 17:23:09.345
PDL Status sent 2016-05-05 at 17:19:33.138

Event ID:543016
Origin ID:1421609
Algorithm: Ichinose (2003) Long Period, Regional-Distance Waves
Seismic Moment Tensor Solution

2016/05/05 (126) 23:11:48.00 40.6542 -119.5612 1421609
	Depth =  12.0 (km)
	Mw    =  3.52
	Mo    =  2.34x10^21 (dyne x cm)

	Percent Double Couple =  96 %
	Percent CLVD          =   4 %
	no ISO calculated
	 Percent Variance Reduction =  51.09 %
	 Total Fit                  =  10.10 
	Major Double Couple
		            strike dip   rake
		Nodal Plane 1: 165  67 -164
		Nodal Plane 2:  69  75  -24


	Moment Tensor Elements: Spherical Coordinates
		Mrr= -0.50 Mtt= -0.98 Mff=  1.48
		Mrt= -0.95 Mrf=  0.18 Mtf=  1.68 EXP=21

	Moment Tensor Elements: Cartesian Coordinates
		-0.98 -1.68 -0.95
		-1.68  1.48 -0.18
		-0.95 -0.18 -0.50

		T-axis eigenvalue=  2.36
		N-axis eigenvalue= -0.05
		P-axis eigenvalue= -2.32

	Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple:
		T-axis ev= 2.36 trend=118 plunge=6
		N-axis ev= 0.00 trend=219 plunge=62
		P-axis ev=-2.36 trend=25 plunge=27

	Maximum Azmuithal Gap=242 Distance to Nearest Station=110.4 (km)

	Number of Stations (D=Displacement/V=Velocity) Used=2 (defining only)

          #######----------   -----                         
        ########----------- P -------                       
      ##########-----------   ---------                     
  ##########------####################   ##                 
   ----------------################### T ##                 
   -----------------##################   #                  

All Stations defining and nondefining: 
Station.Net 	Def 	Distance 	Azi    	Bazi  	lo-f 	hi-f vmodel
            	    	(km)     	(deg)  	(deg) 	(Hz) 	(Hz)    
BEK.NN (D) 	Y 	   110.4  	218  	 38  	0.020 	0.080 BEK.NN.wus.glib
MOD.BK (D) 	Y 	   151.5  	336  	156  	0.020 	0.080 MOD.BK.wus.glib

 (V)-velocity (D)-Displacement

Author: www-data
Date: 2016/05/05 23:58:01

mtinv Version 2.1_DEVEL OCT2008


Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Source: Nevada Seismological Laboratory

Note: Graphs are auto-generated: not reviewed by NSL staff